Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The management firm at NCC has forwarded the paperwork to the association attorney to file liens on the below 8 units:

Unit - Name - Amount Owed

210 Smith, Dan $1,962
307 Cahours, Jeremiah $1,937
702 Ussery, Norman $1,962
710 Waterstone $1,400
712 Waterstone $1,400
714 Waterstone $1,400
716 Waterstone $1,400
808 Spells, Barry $1,400

(Once filed these amount increase by a $37 filing fee, $25 late fee and a $250 attorney fee)

You may recall that 6 liens* already exist for:
506 Grass, Fred $3,348
305 Kristoff, Patricia $5,443
105 Turner, David $1,398
201 Kennedy, Joseph $2,811
705 Reyes, Juan $3,192
601 Karami, Alamdar $2,737

* Note: Amounts shown reflect the amount 'owed' by the unit owner and not the amount of the lien. Ex: Grass owes $3,348 but when the lien was filed it was for $1,923 and amount owed has increased since then.

FYI: Currently other foreclosures are proceeding regarding:

716 Waterstone
714 Waterstone
712 Waterstone
710 Waterstone
401 Thomas
405 Kennedy *
201 Kennedy *
305 Kristoff
506 Grass
512 Mundt

* On 04/17/2009 JOSEPH LAMAR KENNEDY filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Federal Court, Case 09-50239 Mr. Kennedy was being foreclosed on for his 2 condos 201 and 405.

For an article on how foreclosure works go to:

What are a renter's rights in Foreclosure? See: